Kamis, 14 Oktober 2021

Renewable Energy

 Breakoutroom 6

Topic : Renewable Energy

  1. Daffa Zachary R (08)

  2. M. Rizky Reynard N.W. (24)

  3. Ryan Rachmatalhafiz (26)


1.      Renewable energy can combat climate change, because it creates no direct greenhouse gas emissions

2. Renewable energy can decreased pollution and therefore reduces threats to our health

3. Reliable source of power because they will never run out

4. improved public health, pollution due to the use of fossil fuels is linked to health problems such as respiratory problems, nerve damage, heart attacks, and premature death.


  1. Generate Power in smaller scale

  2. Power can be Intermittent

  3. High initial installation cost.

  4. Alternative energy is less reliable because it depends on nature

  5. Low Efficiency levels

List of Renewable Energy

  1. Wind systems

  2. Solar systems

  3. Hydroelectric systems

  4. Geothermal systems

  5. Biomass energy systems