Minggu, 27 September 2020



1, Dicky Dwi Dermawan (09)

2. Haikal Mardhi Averoes (12)

3. Ibrahim Azis (13)

4, Muhammad Rizky Reynard Nirwasita Wijaya (24)

Themes : Smoking Should be Banned


Pro 1 : I think cigarettes should be banned because there is nothing good that comes out of it. It causes pollution, it irritates people that have chronic disease, therefore smoking should be banned

Kontra 1 : well yes smoking irritates people around but ciggarete has benefits it self for the people who smokes it such as stress relievers, stimulant to imagination, helping the country's economy, and so on.

Pro 2 : I disagree with kontra 1 because Smoking is expensive – not just for smokers themselves, but for the general public as well. It is estimated that the treatment of smoking-related diseases, productivity losses to Indonesia economy and premature mortality amount to trillion losses in one year. By reducing the number of active and passive smokers, smoking bans could thus save Indonesian healthcare systems a lot of money. Therefore smokers shouldn't arbitrarily smoke without paying attention to other people around them, they should look for a smoking area or something.

Kontra 2 : then banning ciggerates is unnecessary, goverment should have just built more public smoking area or raise the price of cigar rather than banning it.

My goal My ambition

My goal My ambition

Hello, my name is Muhammad Rizky Reynard Nirwasita Wijaya I come from XI Science 7. I have a talent for karate martial arts, I have achieved many achievements, one of which is when I competed in Sasakawa GOR Achievement.  Even though at that time I was only runner-up but I think it was a very impressive match.  because at that time the minister of youth and sports, Mr Imam Nahrawi, watched me live.  Not only watched I was also placed by him a silver medalist

My daily life during this pandemic is to exercise, not only to increase endurance but I have another purpose, that is, I want to become a soldier. There are many things I have prepared for example such as a 2 hour workout, a 4 km run  within 12 minutes, maintain body intake.  And that's all I do every day so that what I hope can be maximized.  because I believe if we are serious about reaching certain goals, we will get it.  The figure who made me want to become a soldier is Mr. General Raden Soerdiman.  In my opinion, he is a very extraordinary figure, he has inspired a lot of young men, especially young men who want to become a soldier, even though he has died but his passion is still in our souls to protect this beloved country.  Hopefully in 2022 I can become a soldier and can continue his struggle to protect the Republic of Indonesia